Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 25
That was when I knew that I had to share what I had learned
with the world, beginning with my family. Despite their
skepticism at my new plan (which you’ll soon be starting)
they were astonished as the fat melted away and a health-
ier, prettier version of me begin to appear before their eyes.
I wasn’t starving.
I wasn’t exercising for hours each day.
I wasn’t following a fad diet.
I wasn’t doing any of the things the weight loss establish-
ment claims you have to do to lose weight! Instead, I was
enjoying fresh, delicious foods that nourished me, inside
and out.
Soon enough, my parents and the rest of my family started
enjoying the red smoothies. You see, they wanted what I
had. New energy, better health, and an overwhelming zest
for life. My younger brothers and sisters grew up looking
lean. My parents lost all the excess weight they had been
carrying and despite years of abusing their bodies with
food, they are healthy today, with no trace of diabetes or
heart disease.
Since making that change, I’ve never looked back. My
energy was (and is!) high, my skin has a radiant glow, and
the horrible bloating and indigestion that were part of my
miserable daily existence are long gone. I felt so motivated
and so renewed, and my family had become so healthy
using my accidental discovery, that I knew I had to help
others by sharing my discovery.
Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller
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