Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 24

I thought my doctor’s prediction was about to come true. I thought I would die there on the trail, of a heart attack, in front of travelers who were looking at me with a wide range of emotions ranging from compassionate and hope- ful to bemused and even contemptuous. Perhaps you have experienced something like this. If you have, then you know how I felt at that moment! Ultimately, I made it to the top. I took in the view. And it was then that I realized that what felt like the worst day of my life was actually my best. Something clicked in my mind, and I realized that I had unwittingly detoxed myself from my former diet of fatty, chemical laden food and drinks. Without even trying, I’d lost a significant amount of weight and despite feeling like a whale out of water, I needed smaller pants. Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller [email protected] 24