Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 23

This climb takes those in good shape an average of 45 minutes . The majority of people make it to the top in an hour and a half . For me , the climb took two hours , and instead of feeling like a victory at first , it felt like running a gauntlet rife with public shame and humiliation . With every step , I fell further and further behind my group of several hundred tourists .
Sweating worse than ever , I kept on going . My shirt and pants were soaking wet . I could smell my body odor getting riper . My hair was dripping and sweat was running down into my eyes , causing them to sting . I was gasping for air as the altitude increased , and I could feel every beat of my heart as it pounded in my chest .
Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller 23 support @ redsmoothiedetoxfactor . com