Chronic pain  Allergies  Headaches  Allergies  Gut / digestive issues  Low energy  Brain fog  Fatigue
Then … It ’ s quite likely that you are carrying a large toxic load . All of these things are problems in themselves , and they are also signs that the body is not getting rid of waste as it should .
A thorough detox encourages elimination . Drinking plenty of pure water , for example , helps to hydrate your cells while treating your kidneys to a gentle , supportive cleanse . We ’ ll talk about more ways to clean up your inner waste removal system in an upcoming chapter , as this is just the tip of the iceberg !
As you may have guessed , detox involves the removal of all the “ bad ” stuff from your diet . That means breaking up your relationship with fast food , sugary drinks , fatty snacks , and anything that has been highly processed , artificially sweetened , fried , or refined in any way .
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