Red Smoothie Detox Factor PDF / eBook: Liz Swann Miller's Recipe Review & Free Download | Page 16
Toxicants are not biological in origin, while toxins like
the venom produced by snakes and other animals that
use poison to defend themselves, are produced by living
organisms. 1 Many of the substances commonly referred to
as toxins are actually toxicants. Pesticides, controversial
food additives, and herbicides are among the most com-
mon ones found in consumables and public drinking water
Toxins can be ingested in and on your food, usually when
you eat conventionally grown (non-organic) items. They
can be inhaled; smog, vehicle exhaust, and the fumes you
smell while filling your car are some examples. Toxins are
also absorbed via the skin.
Any time you come into contact with chemicals – even ones
that manufacturers want you to believe are benign – you
run the risk of absorbing toxins. In addition, we produce
some of our own toxins – not really poisons, but hormones
and metabolic byproducts that do nothing to advance our
health. The byproducts of stress are an example. 2
Don’t panic though, because your body is very good at elim-
inating toxins, especially when you give it a boost while
treating your digestive system to a break from the hard
work of breaking down food. And, whether you’re taking
a break from solid food or not, the liver and kidneys are
always working hard to keep metabolic wastes and other
substances out of your bloodstream.
The toxins we take in vary in severity. Many are quite minor
on their own, but when compounded with others, lead to
Red Smoothie Detox Factor | Elizabeth Swann Miller
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