Recovery Guide Updated 2017 Recovery-Guide-2017 | Page 18

RETURNING TO WORK/SCHOOL For many people, work is an important part of their identity. In many cases, returning to work or school is an achievable goal. But how you defined work before your treatment may be different from how you define it now. Perhaps you will decide to work or return to school part-time instead of full-time, for example. If you are considering returning to work or school, you will certainly have many questions. When can I return? What types of work can I do? What if I go back to work and realize I am not able to perform the same functions I once could? If I am receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, how will returning to work affect this? Are there services to help me ease into returning to work? If you decide to return to work or school and your doctor says it is okay to do so, you might face some challenges. Many people are not aware of the “background” deficits associated with brain trauma, so your employer may not understand that expecting you to perform at your previous capacity might be unrealistic. Before returning to work or school, it is important for you to be assessed by a neuropsychiatrist, neuropsychologist, or other rehabilitation professional to determine what co