Recovery Guide Updated 2017 Recovery-Guide-2017 | Page 17

Depression is not simply a passing blue mood or a sudden feeling of sadness that goes away as quickly as it came. It is an illness that affects your body, mood, and thoughts. Depression impacts your appetite and sleep, how you feel about yourself and others, and how you think about life. Treatment, which usually consists of a combination of medication and talk therapy, can help you deal with depression and feel better.
 If you experience some of these symptoms below, it is important that you openly share your concerns and feelings with someone close to you, as well as a healthcare professional who understands your condition, such as a neuropsychiatrist or neuropsychologist, licensed psychologist, psychiatric nurse, licensed social worker, or counselor. • • • • • • • • Feelings of sadness on a daily basis; crying more than usual Guilt and regret about past events and current problems Anger, irritability Disturbing, morbid, or suicidal thoughts Lethargy/no motivation Loss of interest or pleasure in activities, including sex Altered appetite: weight loss or gain Disturbed sleep (early-morning awakening, disturbing dreams) 16