Real Life Real Faith Wisdom for Everyday Life March/April 2016 issue 2 | Page 19

free from the takeover.

Personally, I cannot let His crucifixion be in vain. I honor it by living and focusing my mind on the resurrection where I am given a chance to be empowered to do great things. I live to be the child of God Jesus would have me to be. PTSD is my thorn in the flesh but God gave me His Son that I may live life and live it abundantly. My greatest challenge after an episode is being able to look those who I may have harmed emotionally in their eyes again. Apologies do not ever seem to be enough which introduces another form of destruction of the soul, the aftermath of the experience. This is where I begin to fall inside often times feeling unworthy to be alive. A strong withdrawal takes over my soul like the enemy has one more chance to put me in the ground. I surrender feeling it is redemption because I have the ability to hurt others in appearing mean ways.

I surrender only to discover the Christ in me raises me up from the grave of turmoil and places me in a greater state of peace and joy. Suddenly, I realize I died to the suffering and resurrected once again as a beloved child of God. It is amazing in a twinkling of an eye, all is well. I thank you Jesus for the Resurrection and for allowing me to love my fellowman.