Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa September 2015 | Page 17

When you have traveled, which is your favourite place to visit and why? France. Cecil and I used to love to go to Saint-Jean-CapFerrat in France. How gratifying is it for you to see your company going from strength to strength? When I consider that what began as a hobby for me has become a successful, international business, it is more gratifying than one can ever imagine. I first became involved in marketing real estate when my children were young – and more as a fun way of earning something extra in order to buy the odd picture or object d’art, but then my interest in houses became a passion to the extent that it became a springboard to a serious career in the property industry. However, the success of this business is due in no small way to the many people who are involved in the Pam Golding Property group, especially Andrew Golding, the Chief Executive, and each and every staff member What advice do you have for other women who have built up their businesses from scratch, and now wish to hand over the reins to the younger generation? Firstly, I must put in perspective the fact that the business evolved from what for me began by chance, and as a hobby or fun way to earn something extra. However, I have generally been fortunate to have an instinct for making the right decisions in business and so my strategies over the years have been to pursue my talent of matching buyer and seller; surrounding myself with people in the business who share my passion for property, for professionalism and excellent service; and to follow my instincts – for example opening an office in London in 1986 at a time when South Africa’s international image was at its worst. Another key strategy is to remain positive at all times – for example, during the 70s and 80s the SA property market went through very rough times, however, a positive outlook coupled with an ability to adapt, and determination, contributed to our growth during good times and bad. I began the company when South Africa was going through a recession, and people said I was crazy to go on my own. But I was determined to succeed and that is half the battle already won. and be courageous. Furthermore, one cannot underestimate the importance of business networking, whether on a local, national or international scale. And finally, once you have succeeded in establishing a successful brand, ensure that you retain the integrity of that brand, for it’s almost impossible to place a value on brand equity – this coupled with strong client relationships is what makes clients return to you time and time again. Describe the most challenging moment in your career? What is your guilty pleasure? An ice cold Dom Perignon What are the most important business lessons you have learnt over the course of your career? How do you unwind? I listen to Fine Music Radio as much as possible and love listening to music from swing to jazz to classical and opera. That key principles of any business are the qualities of integrity, honesty, loyalty, professionalism and ethics, which remain the core ethics of Pam Golding Properties to this very day. However it is more than that which makes for a successful business – it’s a combination of drive and entrepreneurial spirit, and a flair for innovation, including clever marketing. Trust your instincts, employ the right people )=