Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa September 2015 | Page 16

MASTER INVESTOR PAM GOLDING ON MAIN Pam Golding Properties was launched in the challenging year of 1976 with virtually no capital, no leads, no infrastructure and just one sales assistant. Infused with Pam’s ethos, unerring talent for successfully matching buyers and sellers, graceful style, networking skills and passion for property, the Pam Golding brand today remains associated with the highest levels of professionalism, client service, ethics, leadership and innovation. My parents and my brothers. I had an extremely happy childhood and growing up in Umtata was wonderful as people in the Transkei were a naturally friendly, happy and caring community and we were a very close-knit family. We all participated and loved all aspects of life – social functions, charity fundraising for war funds, concerts and all sports. With my competitive nature, I competed in most sports and in particular tennis and hockey and I loved ballet, was in school plays, and a member of girl guides. As a family on holiday, we fished, hiked, went boating and enjoyed water skiing and surfing horses – it was idyllic. My father was headmaster of Umtata High School and my mother always worked but found the time to be a wonderful mother, my greatest friend and mentor. M H\