Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa March 2015 | Page 19

BEST ADVICE There are 9 financial myths that misguide the masses and destroy our investment strategies. Understanding in great detail and debunking these myths uncovers the new rules of money. Myth 1: Invest with us, we will beat the market Myth 2: Our fees are a small price to pay Myth 3: Our returns? What you see is what you get Myth 4: I’m your broker and I am here to help! Myth 5: Your retirement is just a retirement annuity plan away Myth 6: Target date funds – just set it and forget it Myth 7: I hate annuities, you should too! Myth 8: You got to take big risks to get big rewards Myth 9: The lies we tell ourselves to justify our decisions The starting point Robbins says the secret to getting back on track financially is to go beyond scarcity, no matter what your financial situation is. You need to start by developing and feeling a sense of abundance right now and to develop your life as if you already were financially independent. Tony says he had a number of personal breakthrough experiences in this area by making the following changes: 1. Make it a must for a compelling future – for Robbins, the birth of his son brought a burning desire to provide him with an extraordinary quality of life 2. Get hungry by setting your goals and committing to change 3. Add value to other people’s lives 4. Don’t be victim by allowing people to chop you down in size Compound interest The next step is to start understanding the power of compounding interest. Albert Einstein is famous for the statement: “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world, he who understands it, earns it... he who doesn’t, pays it.” Compounding occurs when you invest money and allow it to reinvest itself continuously. It can produce explosive growth beyond your wildest imagination. Statistics show that humans are living longer, many to their early nineties, thanks to more sophisticated medical facilities. Handling your finances to this end is critical, so what are you going to do to invest now? If you are not willing to take R1 from R10 for saving or investing today, you won’t be likely to take out R100,000 from R1 million for saving or investing. Both real estate and stock markets present massive opportunity and it is important to get your asset allocation right. John Templeton’s 3-bucket asset allocation strategy satisfies your risk tolerance and avoids spur of the moment investment decisions. 1. Security bucket - One third of your asset allocation should be in low risk investments such as money market accounts, insurance policies and your home. The growth rate is slow and secure and compounds over time. The profits from this should stay there and be reinvested. 2. Growth bucket - One third is for higher risk investments with more potential for growth such as real estate, stocks and mutual funds. 3. Dream bucket - One third is for fun things you want in life such as a boat, yacht, helicopter or vacation home. BEST ADVICE from David Bach AUTOMATIC MILLIONAIRE David Bach, author and financial expert, says the No.1 mistake investors make is that they don’t automate their finances. Pay yourself first before you pay your bills, taxes or anyone else and do it automatically before you see the money in your account. Breakdown of monthly expenses to get back on track 1. Savings account – Retirement - 10% 2. Emergency fund – At least 6 months expenses - 5–10 % 3. Dream account – For buying a home, car, etc. – 10–15% 4. Credit cards – Pay bare minimum amount on due date – 10-15% 5. Regular bills – Phone bills, utilities, petrol – 35-45% 6. Charity 5–10% March 2015 SA Real Estate Investor 19