Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa March 2015 | Page 20

cover story Why are you investing? People have different reasons for investing: return, growth, assets, freedom and fun are important reasons, but the most important reason of all is income. Consistent cash flow, so you never have to worry about paying your bills, should be your number one reason for investing. A lack of income is stress. Income is freedom. Robbins’ 5 core strategies for achieving your financial goals faster One of Robbins’ 5 recommended ways to get richer faster is by investing more. He says we can start by doing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Save more and invest the difference Earn more and invest the difference Reduce your fees and taxes and invest the difference Aim for better returns Change your lifestyle David Swenson, one of the most successful institutional investors of our time, says that unconventional success can’t be guided by conventional wisdom. 7 Simple Steps - Your Checklist for Financial Freedom Here is a quick checklist to use anytime to check if you are on track to achieve financial freedom. Step 1: Make the most important financial decision of your life Make the decision to become an investor. Commit to a specific percentage of savings to invest and automate it. Step 2: Become the insider: know the rules before you get into the game Know the investment myths, understand the returns, be clear on the fees, test your broker for costs, understand difference between advertised returns and actual earnings, and establish whether you get the upside with minimum downside. Step 3: Make the game winnable Do you know what the real numbers are, what the plan is for returns in what period of years, how to speed up your plan, save more, invest more, earn more, save taxes and get better returns? 20 March 2015 SA Real Estate Investor Step 4: Make the most important investment decision of your life Know your asset allocation. Know the percentage in your security bucket, the percentage in your growth bucket, and set short-term and long-term goals that excite you for your dream bucket. Step 5: Create a lifetime income plan Evaluate your current investment returns versus Ray Dalio’s all seasons approach. Do you have a guaranteed life income plan? How will you achieve financial freedom through tax efficient strategies? Have you set up a living trust so that your family’s assets are protected? Step 6: Invest like the .001% Learn from the 12 smartest