Real Estate Investor Magazine South Africa March 2015 | Page 18
cover story
he world economy is still
a volatile place. Many
investors are still suffering
from the after effects of the global
financial crisis in 2008 and are
still looking for answers to help
them not only survive, but also
to become fabulously wealthy.
The financial crisis exposed many
systemic problems at a devastating
cost: individuals and families who
thought they had made responsible
financial decisions lost their
savings, their homes and their faith
in the financial system. But despite
all this hardship and suffering, not
much has changed. The average,
individual investor remains at
the bottom of the financial food
chain — a fact that we find highly
frustrating and are determined to
How to master the money and
investment game
Robbins was driven by moral
outrage to write “Money - Master
the Game” after he watched the
documentary “The Inside Job.” He
was angry that a handful of reckless
financiers had orchestrated the
markets and destroyed the wealth
and lives of many people, businesses
and countries worldwide. Some
people had most of their wealth
wiped out, suffering crippling losses
that could take years to recoup.
Robbins wanted to do something
about this, so he did extensive
research as well as one-on-one
interviews with 50 of the world’s
most legendary financial experts
in the world. He met with Carl
Icahn, Jack Bogle, Warren Buffett,
Charles Scwab, Ray Dalio and
Steve Forbes, to name a few. The
result was a core mix of practical
financial advice, including ideas on
how to build a balanced portfolio
and use low-cost index funds, and
a checklist to identify brokers with
March 2015 SA Real Estate Investor
from Tony Robbins
How to be wealthy right now
1. Make it a must to be wealthy and
list reasons why
2. Define what wealth means to
you – what will take for you to feel
3. Lock your definition of wealth in
place – don’t keep raising the bar
4. Make your definition achievable
5. Create a plan that is achievable
6. Work out the details of your plan
7. Follow through on your plan by
taking immediate action
8. Make yourself responsible
9. Don’t give up when the going gets
10. Make your life a business and
expect a year end profit
11. Don’t let people’s emotions deviate
you from your asset allocation
12. Get good quality coaching and
financial incentives. With this
information, he created a blueprint
that anyone can use for creating
financial freedom.
Robbins shares ways to obtain
the life of financial freedom and
abundance that you deserve,
creating a lifetime income stream
that you will never outlive. He
shows you how to reach your
financial goals 30% quicker and
retire up to 10 years sooner. He
details how to invest like the
wealthy, participating in market
gains but ensuring you never lose
when the market drops. Here are
some of the highlights from the
book and sage advice that you can
apply right now.
What action should investors take?
There is no simple answer to the
question of what investors should
do. Nobody knows for certain
when markets will bottom and, as
always, it is easy to set a pessimistic
There are really only three
courses of action investors could
take: sell, do
nothing, or buy. The default
position for most investors is to do
nothing. When markets are falling,
it is easy to feel that one should
take action. We want to convince
you to take action again through
the principles from Robbins’ book.
As a rule of thumb, the
investment decisions which feel
the most uncomfortable are usually
the most profitable. As Sir John
Templeton pointed out, pessimism
can spell huge opportunity. The
powerful principles from some of
the most successful and powerful
minds in finance can give us
confidence, put us back on track
and guide us to give us more
certainty for our financial future.
It is, after all, your money and your
life, so take control of it!
However, you need to become
an insider first. Robbins uncovers
investment strategies, debunks
myths and smashes the norms
about what
we think makes us wealthy and
what does not, sharing principles
used by some of the world’s most
wealthiest and successful investors
in the world.
The investment jungle holds
the same dangers for everybody,
whether you are a seasoned or
‘newbie’ investor. The system does
not play in our favour, so it is up
to us as investors to find the tactics
and methods to grow our wealth