Real Estate Investor Magazine August/September Edition | Page 23

Investing in solar power in your property , is it still a good idea ?
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Investing in solar power in your property , is it still a good idea ?

DOMINIQUE DHOTMAN Head of Solar - ooba


am still not sure if it is a good idea to invest in solar power in my property today , as when loadshedding subsides it does feel as if things are starting to getting resolved and that Eskom can be fixed but also I am still not sure when or even if they know . It is also very expensive exercise and I need advice on what the real benefits will be for me as a property owner and if it really justifies the cost ?

Our ability to remain optimistic in the face of extreme adversity is one of the things that makes us as South Africans extraordinary , it is however , time to be pragmatic . There ’ s no denying that the solar power comes at a hefty price tag , but this investment provides immediate lifestyle return and financial peace-of-mind in the long run . It has been 16 years since the energy crisis first began , so it ’ s crucial that South Africans take power into their own hands by investing in alternative energy sources .

Eskom first began implementing ongoing power cuts , locally known as ‘ loadshedding ’ in November 2007 . The country experienced a six-year reprieve before loadshedding made its dreaded return in 2014 , with sporadic blackouts until March 2021 when it started again in earnest .
The root cause of the energy crisis lies in ageing infrastructure , mismanaged funds intended for upkeep and a failure to add additional generating capacity to power plants in the early 2000s under President Mbeki ’ s regime , despite dire warnings from Eskom management .
Using figures from EskomSePush and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research ' s ( CSIR ) Energy Centre , we have experienced an estimated 7,777 hours of
11 AUG / SEPT 2023 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine