Real Estate Investor Magazine August/September Edition | Page 24

Profcover was one of the biggest independent Risk Management companies in South Africa . It was obvious that my background as a Risk Manager by profession stood me in good stead as a successful property investor . Combine that now with my passion for property and trusts and you ’ ll find a very lucrative combination .
Many people know me as ‘ Mr Fearless ’ because I ’ m not afraid of creditors , high interest rates and other ‘ negative ’ things that could negatively impact my business . I ’ m not afraid to use the bank ’ s money to the maximum . I invest big when others are afraid of investing , and I am counter cyclical in my strategy . For some people recessions are devastating , for me it ’ s the best time to grow my portfolio !
I ’ m not reckless or foolish in my investment strategy . I only invest in things that I understand inherently and in things that I believe in . For example , prime investments for me are entry level townhouses in security complexes . They are low risk with high rewards . However , I must warn you that it will only work if you strictly follow the Wealth Mastery System which is also the Ultimate Risk Management tool which has worked wonders for me .
When interest rates shot up to 25.5 % in 1998 my friends and I used this Wealth Mastery System , and we bought multiple properties at auctions that were bank owned ‘ sale in execution ’ properties … for almost next to nothing !
When property values dropped with 0.4 % in 2009 , it was a buyer ’ s market paradise for me and for the members of our club .
9 . In what ways do you prioritise corporate social responsibility and sustainable practices within your organisation ? ‘ Social responsibility ’ is a huge part of the way we make our profits legally 100 % tax-free with our System . As tax money gets stolen by our corrupt governments official , it never reaches the poor . Therefore , we created our own beneficiary charity program called South African National Taxpayers Union ( SANTU ).
With the help of some top legal brains , entrepreneurs and a brilliant cognitive psychologist , we discovered that if a certain set of laws are applied in a certain way and sequence , we can add enormous value to our
23 AUG / SEPT 2023 SA Real Estate Investor Magazine