Reader's Companion Guide for Rogue One Reader's Companion Guide Rogue One | Page 28

Comprehensi on Questions for rogue one: a StaR warS story CHApTEr 18 Vocabulary: Gun barrel (p. 246) Pin down (p. 247) Distract (p. 248) Shove (p. 249) Inchoate (p. 248) Sprawling (p. 250) Tree trunk (p. 251) Naught (p. 252) Seethe (p. 254) Amass (p. 254) Asunder (p. 258) 1. What is the purpose of Bodhi and Tonc broadcasting Rebel troop movement information over the Imperial main security channel? (pp. 249-247) 2. What biometric identification did Jyn and Cassian use to enter the data vault? (pp. 249-250) 3. In what two ways did the Imperial forces begin to have the advantage over the Rebel forces? (pp. 250-251) 4. “Go little sister. Go!” How does Baze see the chances of the Rebel ground forces? (p. 252) 5. What is Admiral Raddus’s motivation in fighting against the Empire? (p. 253) 6. Krennic is trying to recall someone, “his attacker”, that he saw on Eadu. Who do you think this is? (p. 254) 7. What is the Profundity and where is it from? (pp. 256 & 252) 8. Where Baze had failed, what succeeded in destroying the Imperial walker? (pp. 257-258) 23