Reader's Companion Guide for Rogue One Reader's Companion Guide Rogue One | Page 29

Comprehensi on Questions for rogue one: a StaR warS story CHApTEr 19 Vocabulary: Hold one’s ground (p. 260) Hold (n.) (p.262) Spool (p. 262) Hook up (p. 264) Exfiltration (p. 265) Bulk (p.265) Spawn (p. 266) Snag (p. 268) Kink (p. 269) Story (p. 269) Downpour (p. 272) Wistful (p. 273) 1. Why is Jyn worried that the Imperials closed the security gate? What are the consequences? (p. 260) 2. What is Bodhi’s and Tonc’s assignment? (pp. 262-263) 3. Why is that Bodhi will have to hook up the cable and not Tonc? (p. 264) 4. For what reason(s) won’t Admiral Raddus pull out the fleet? (p. 266) 5. What caused one of the Imperial Star Destroyers to become disabled? (p. 267) 6. How did Jyn know that ‘stardust’ indicated the correct data cartridge? (pp. 271-272) 24