Reader's Companion Guide for Rogue One Reader's Companion Guide Rogue One | Page 27
Comprehensi on Questions for rogue one: a
StaR warS story
CHApTEr 17
Sway someone (p. 235)
Scab (p. 236)
Overhear (p. 237)
1. What was the overall result of the meeting of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance in relation to
the Death Star? (pp. 235-236)
2. What news do they receive at the Rebel base on Yavin and how do General Draven and
Admiral Raddus react? (pp. 236-237)
3. Who is the gold-plated protocol droid? ;) (p. 237)
4. What are some of the positive things Tarkin secretly gives Krennic credit for? (pp. 241-244)
Supplemental data: the rebel fleet
1. why do rebel fighter pilots have to be trained differently than imperial fighter
pilots? (pp. 241-244)