Ray White Tenant Information Guide June 2023 | Page 32


No electricity ?
Check fuses and the safety switch located in the electrical meter box . If the safety switch has tripped , reset it . If it trips again , turn off all the powerpoints and unplug your appliances . Reset the safety switch again , then begin plugging in your appliances one-by-one to find out which one is tripping the switch . If the appliance belongs to you the repairs are your responsibility . If the appliance belongs to the owner , contact your property manager , who will arrange repairs .
If you can not restore power after you have checked the fuses and safety switch , check if your neighbours have power . Your local electricity provider will be able to advise you if there are any faults in your area .
If you have completed these checks and cannot find the cause of the problem contact your property manager .
Washing machines & dryers
For washing machines , check the hot and cold water connection hoses and taps before calling to report a problem . Dryers will need to have the lint filter cleaned after each use . If the appliances belong to you , you will be responsible for any maintenance . If they belong to the owner and you have checked the manual ( if provided ), contact your property manager to arrange repairs .
It ’ s important to note that if these appliances are chattels and a fault is identified as a result of misuse or user error ( e . g . hair clip in the mechanism ) the tenant may be liable for any repair costs .
Electric hot water
If you ’ re having hot water issues and there is an electric hot water system at the property , it can be helpful to consider the following questions and provide this feedback to your property manager :
• Is the power to the cylinder switched on ?
• Does the exterior of the cylinder feel warm to touch ?
• Is there a lack of hot water supply to the whole house or only certain areas ?
• Are there any signs of leaking ?
• Are there any visible signs of deterioration or damage to the cylinder ?
• Can you see any water coming from the overflow pipe ? ( This could be on the floor or in newer homes coming from the foundation ).
Hot water systems
If you experience problems with a gas hot water system , check the pilot light has not gone out . There should be instructions on the system for relighting the pilot light . You can also adjust the temperature of the water and your system
should also list instructions for how to do this .