Ray White Tenant Information Guide June 2023 | Page 33

If the inside of your oven does not appear to be heating or seems to not be working , you should first check that the clock or timer is not switched on and causing the issue .
We ask that you check these settings first as although it may sound trivial , this can be a very common issue where an electrician is sent to the property unnecessarily . In this situation , a tenant is likely to be liable for any charge that is incurred which is why we ask that you check carefully first before reporting a fault .
If available , consult the appliance manual to ensure it is set up correctly .
Blocked sinks & drains
You are responsible for keeping all sinks , tubs , showers , and toilet drain lines clear . Do not allow anything into the plumbing system or use them for any purpose other than their original design . Sanitary products , diapers , facial tissues , condoms , cotton swabs , cigarette butts , coffee grounds , cooking fat or oils are not to be flushed down toilets or deposited into the drain .
If a kitchen sink or laundry tub is blocked , try the following solution first . In a dry sink , pour one cup of baking soda down the blocked drain , and ensure that the powder makes its way down the drain . Next , pour approximately two cups of boiling water in and wait several minutes . Add one more cup of baking soda in and immediately follow it with one cup of plain white vinegar .
If this doesn ' t work or there is a recurring problem with blocked sinks or drains , please advise your property manager .
Your safety – being aware
Your highest priority should always be the safety of yourself , your family , and any other occupants and visitors to the property .
For this reason , we ask that you please be aware of your surroundings and notify us right away if you have any concerns .
Some things to be aware of include :
• Exposed wiring , faulty power points and switches
• Gas smell or odour
• Damage to paving and pathways that could cause someone to trip and fall
• Suspicious or dangerous plants in the garden that are poisonous / toxic or that you may be allergic to
• Bee or wasp nests
• Loose or rotten floorboards
• Loose balcony railings , steps or decking woodwork
• Loose or faulty locks , in particular , on entry doors and screen doors
• Broken or cracked windows and any broken or loose window locks .