Ray White Tenant Information Guide June 2023 | Page 31

Mould , Dampness & Ventilation

Once you move into your rental property , it ’ s your responsibility to keep it clean and tidy . This includes keeping your home in a condition that doesn ’ t encourage mould and dampness as well as removing any mould as soon as it appears .
A dry , well-aired home is easier to heat and healthier for you and your family . We encourage tenants to try and keep their house in a condition that doesn ’ t promote damp and mould by keeping the house well-aired and ventilated . Be aware that you ’ re most likely to have problems with damp and mould in autumn and winter so even at these times , regular ventilation is important .
If you ’ re creating steam or moisture , either by cooking , bathing or using a clothes dryer , you should open windows and use any extractor fans where possible during these times .
How to help prevent mould & damp in your home
• Open windows and doors when you are home to help promote airflow
• Keep lids on pots when cooking
• Hang washing outside and make sure everything ’ s dry before putting it away
• Vent clothes dryers outside
• Leave wardrobes slightly open and pull beds / furniture away from walls
• Keep the shower curtain hanging inside the shower or bath so water doesn ’ t drip on the floor , and wash the curtain every few weeks
• Use an electric heater rather than unflued portable gas heaters which expel water as the gas burns
• Wipe condensation off walls and windows when it occurs
• If anyone in the property sleeps on a mattress on the floor this will cause damp on the area covered by the mattress . Raise this off the ground , when not in use , if you ' re unable to do so permanently .
Removing mould
To protect the health of everyone in your home and the condition of the property , you should remove mould as soon as it appears .
White vinegar is a low cost and effective option to kill or clean mould . On painted surfaces , thin down the vinegar half and half with water to avoid damaging the paint or other surfaces that might discolour . Leave it for a few days to take effect and then wipe off the dead mould with soap and water using a clean cloth .
You can also use diluted household bleach ( one part bleach with three parts water mixed together ) in a bucket of water to dispose of excess water containing mopped up mould to a drain . Your supermarket will also have a range of eco-friendly cleaners .
Use a clean sponge or cloth when washing off mould and rinse it often to reduce the risk of it spreading . Remember to the wear the necessary safety equipment such as gloves , eye protection and an appropriate safety mask when handling cleaning chemicals .