RAW Moves presents Ghost Call GHOST CALL DIGITAL | Page 6
In today’s times, the technology-driven handphone seems
to offer greater comfort and warmth than face-to-face
relationships. Yet, what drives that comfort is the desire to
connect with others – in the virtual and real worlds. Ghost
Call weaves together ideas stemming from mobile phones
and online platforms, and highlights the different kinds of
connections that can be created in our urban life.
As audience move through each chapter while engaging in
different activities, the archived traces of their presence carve
out different specters. The disembodied quasi-authoritative
voice we hear and the extremely silent bodies of the dancers
that we see, further allow us to reflect upon the warm-
technology – cold-human enigma that we constantly embrace.
In Ghost Call, we hence encounter various kinds of phantoms.
Are fabricated personas and engineered behaviours
overcompensations for loss connections? Has our wanting to
reach out stifled our ability to listen and empathise?