RAW Moves presents Ghost Call GHOST CALL DIGITAL | Page 5
Ghost Call
A call with no one on the other line. An accidental call you
didn’t mean to make. Wrongly addressed letters. Ghost Call
explores the idea behind one-sided communication and its
effects on a person. With technology making it so easy for
humans to connect, what does it mean when the connection is
Like it or not, our behaviours, the way we think and the social
cues we follow are shaped by the systems of communication
we choose to be part of. On a physical level, doctors are
seeing more injuries to the fingers and wrists. Our bodies are
expected to slowly evolve to accommodate our mobile phone
habits, but what are we becoming? Can we start to connect
back to each other, and ourselves?
A collaboration between playwright Nabilah Said and RAW
Moves, Ghost Call is an experiment exploring the intersection
between movement, text and the raw emotional connection
with the audience.