Raw Ink October 2013 | Page 26

Girlfriends are different, they might hurt you but this thing (the MacBook) will never hurt me. (Slight laughter) Okay what are other thing that are usually there in your bag but you forgot or didn’t bring today? Let me smack you with this (MacBook) and let’s see if it hurts (picking it up again and sounding funny) Usually I have my drumsticks, phone, MacBook charger, headphones and a few other things like lunch box. No, it will not and I don’t think I will allow you to touch it. (Taking it away from him) Okay that’s interesting, what are the things you never leave home without? (Picking up some papers) what is with this bunch of assignments, I never took you for an assignment doing guy! This (pointing at his phone) my cell phone, and my headphones which I forgot today and my shakers, I make sure they are always in my bag. (Playing them a bit) As you know we are engineering students, no matter how lazy you are you need to submit them. What is this book? Why only one book? (Laughing) Because this is a rule in engineering, you don’t keep different books for different subjects. I am in fact using this same book since last year. Engineering is about unity, all subjects should be together. Why this raincoat? I have to keep it since i carry my MacBook daily wherever i go. So how do you feel about this section in our magazine? I have no idea what magazine is going to be about but it looks interesting and I wish you guys luck. Thank you and one last question, how do you feel that your privacy just got violated and now everyone will know “what’s in your bag” I don’t mind, but I would really like to see a girl’s bag, I am always curious about what they keep in it that they have to be so secretive about. (Laughing) We will keep your request in mind; Thank you for being our first bakra for “What’s in your bag”. - Raw Ink 24