“What’s In Your Bag?” - Bakra: Aditya Valera
hy do you bring a water bottle (with a
lame tone)?
Obviously! It’s a need for every man that they
need water every time (sounding too obvious).
What is that white “thingy” in your bag?
(Pointing at an old somewhat white packet)
(Holding it in hand) This white thing is ketchup
from McDonalds, I had taken a food parcel from
there and it’s been in my bag since then I guess.
Why do you bring it to college every day, and
why is it white? (Making a face somewhere
between disgust and sounding funny)
I had no idea it was in my bag, it must be there
since last 6 to 7 months (talking in a tone which
sounded more like guesswork)
Why do you carry all this “kachra”? (pointing
and picking up some scrambled papers from
his bag)
These are some important papers which I need
to keep and carry with me.
They don’t look important the way have kept
them (scrambling them a bit more).
Now let’s not do that, they are important to me
not to you (taking them away from his hands).
What are these (shaking some kind of
musical instrument found in his bag)?
As I am a musician, I like to carry these
instruments with me wherever I go. These are
called shakers (sounding proud).
Why have you got two ID cards?
I got my current year’s ID card just a few days
back so one of them is my last years.
What are your comments on new
MacBook pro (picking up his MacBook
from his bag)
It is the most awesome thing I have ever
used, ever touched.
Something tells me you don’t have a