Raphaeli Waldorf School Newsletter TERM 2 - 2017 | Page 4

We have had a lovely term together filled with beautiful singing and laughter. The children are all growing so fast. I feel so grateful and blessed to have such a special group of children and every day brings something new. - Nobesuthu On the 22nd of May the year ones paid a visit to the wolf sanctuary. We took time exploring the wolf enclosures, taking note of the fascinating way they interacted with one another. As we trudged towards the second enclosure , the angora goats nudged their noses against the wire to get a closer look at us and the little lamps poked their heads out to let us stroke their noses. The piglets enjoyed our petting as part of our goodbyes .We felt really sad to leave all the beautiful animals behind but it was a worth while experience. - Tinashe