Raphaeli Waldorf School Newsletter TERM 2 - 2017 | Page 5

We've had a busy term two in our kindergarten lots of work in preparation for our Autumn fair and St John's festival. Welcome to Deia Botes who joined our little school this term and to Finn Gibbs and Pepper-Rose who came up from Playgroup. - Tanja What an exciting term we have had! We started with symmetrical form drawing then went on to learning about two virtuous Saints; Saint Kevin from Ireland and Saint Tekla Haymanot from Ethiopia. We loved learning about their abilities to tame animals and the exciting miracles they performed. The most fun was had when the class became a herd of cows and had to be milked by a farmer. Our class has discovered the magical world of books and each child has started reading. What a breakthrough! We have just enjoyed helping Tommy Times and Danny Divide solve mathematical problems regarding the King and Queen's new addition to the family - Twins. Well done, Class Two! - Gill