.After finding new owners for almost all the items, Mira decided to move out of her parents' house and move in with her boyfriend. At this point she realized how much useless stuff she herself had laying around in the attic and at the bottom of her closets.
”Now that I had previous experience of online selling I thought ”why not go on with it”,” Mira explains. And so she did, and this time she went full-on international. Since most of the things she was about to sell were quite small and easy to ship, she decided to list everything on eBay. Not that she thought Huuto.net wasn't great, but she just wanted a larger audience for her items.
Selling her own stuff was another success for Mira. She didn't want to give an exact number, but she says overall she has earned several thousand euros.
She got all her extra things sold during 2013. Some things like furniture she left at flea markets. ”It was quite amazing. I've heard a lot of people complain about their items not selling on eBay, but I didn't have a huge problem with that. It's all about technique,” she says.
Everyone who has ever tried to sell something online sure knows how frustrating it can be when your items just won't sell. But it's not really that difficult; you just have to have the right knowledge and patience, or so at least thinks Mira.
The most important part of an eBay listing in Mira's opinion is the title. ”It may seem obvious, but so many people title their listings badly which leads to the item not selling,” she explains. As much information as possible should be provided in the title to make the item more visible.
Mastering the selling