QUT Big Lift is a student-led organisation that allows you to get involved at uni in a meaningful way outside of the lecture theatre . Throughout each year , we aim to foster student development by providing numerous needs-based volunteering opportunities , from assisting with local community initiatives to providing a “ big lift ” for regional towns on our week-long road trips . We also place a focus on service learning , whereby students involved develop a better understanding about the culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples , as well as knowledge about the dynamic heartbeat of regional townships and thriving local community groups . The club has grown considerably over the past few years and offers students the chance to meet and work with like-minded peers , whilst gathering unforgettable experiences and making a positive impact in both local and regional communities . Each year , we look to build on the relationships made with communities in past years as well as the powerful relationships made with our evergrowing Big Lift family .
If you ’ re interested in hopping on the Big Lift bus in 2017 , give our website ( qutbiglift . org ) and our Facebook some love - we ’ re constantly posting updates about what we ’ re doing and how you can get involved . # bigliftlove
My Time is a student run club , which aims to help students to release their stress from academic life through provision of meditation and yoga . We care about your physical , mental and spiritual wellbeing , and with a vision of creating a more diverse , involved and self-aware QUT community , we welcome all students with different cultural backgrounds to join our club . Let us ease your mind and support you through your semester .
Weekly meditation and yoga sessions are scheduled on both Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove campuses , where you will be guided by our professional instructors and meet like-minded peers from a diverse range of majors . Besides the regular sessions , we are also going to hold our annual events including Yogathon and Yoga Conference for you to have a deeper understanding on the practical uses and benefits of mediation and yoga , with an opportunity to participate in our Yogathon project and gain professional skills and experiences .
In 2017 , our club launches two new activities of Movie Marathon and Yoga In the Park to create more opportunities for you to have fun . Come and let us show you a totally different experience in doing yoga !
Meet us at our 2016 O-Week or Welcome Week stall to find out more about our sessions and sign up ! Follow us on Facebook at ‘ MY Time QUT ’ to get instant updates throughout the year .
NorSK is the pinnacle party club for international and domestic students alike . The club was originally just for Norwegian students but don ’ t let the logo fool you , NorSK has long since opened its doors to anyone looking to have some fun and get loose as a moose .
Look out for our pub crawl early in semester one , it ’ s Brisbane ’ s biggest . And make sure you find us on Facebook to stay in touch with all our other events throughout the year .
See you at the bar !