CLUBS QUT SOLAR ENERGY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY QUT Solar Energy Scientific Society is affiliated to build bridges between science and engineering students and researchers who are interested in photovoltaic technology and solar energy. Our solar media pages have daily content related to photovoltaic and solar power. We will have plenty of casual events, technical talks and workshops in 2017. Contact us at solar-ess@qut.edu.au or QUTSESS (twitter and Facebook) QUTSESS SOLAR-ESS@QUT.EDU.AU QUT HOCKEY CLUB The QUT Hockey Club Inc. is an all- encompassing hockey club catering for men and women looking to participate in the sport of field hockey in the Brisbane community. Affectionately known as the ‘Ibis Army’, the club boasts teams across 4 competitions; Women’s and Men’s turf, Women’s Grass and Women’s Masters. With a huge social calendar and plenty of hockey to take advantage of, there’s something for everyone with QUT Hockey Club Inc. Find us on Facebook “The Ibis Army”, Instagram “@theibisarmy” and on our website “www.theibisarmy.wordpress. com” for more information, or come and join us at our first social event of the year, the preseason pub crawl on February 25! QUT PHYSICS CLUB Physics is not just differential equations and mindless algebra. Beneath everything you love is a foundation of fundamental physics. The QUT Physics society is a hub for thinkers, tinkerers, star-gazers, the inquisitive and the experienced. Focusing on events that bring people from all levels of knowledge together, the society helps to take your passion and provide some direction, insight and fun. Astronomy nights, trivia, deals and discounts, pub- science and special events. All welcome – you don’t need to be a physicist, just interested in how the world works! To join, simply email qutphyssoc@gmail.com QUTphysicsSociety QUTPHYSSOC@GMAIL.COM THEIBISARMY HSQUT THEIBISARMY WWW.THEIBISARMY.WORDPRESS.COM 30