Queensland on the Go July 2013 | Page 4

Chief Commissioner

Helen Geard , Girl Guides Australia
Kit McMahon , NEO , and I have nearly concluded our ‘ road show ’ that involved visiting each State Girl Guide Organisation to talk with Board members , key volunteers and staff members . The hospitality we received was very much appreciated and it was great to meet so many wonderful supporters of Guiding . The visits proved a valuable opportunity to discuss a range of important issues and to learn more about the amazing work that is happening across Australia . A full report about the road show is being prepared for the GGA Board to consider and , once that process is concluded , I will report the outcomes in a future edition of my report .
Kit also went to New Zealand to meet with Girl Guide colleagues and Griffins , the producers of our Girl Guide biscuits . It was a very productive visit and builds on our relationship with New Zealand .
Two Girl Guide members from South Australia , Anna Baulderstone and Kit Mitchell , flew up to Sydney to participate in a TV program called Ready Steady Cook . The episode was aired on Monday 10 June 2013 and they were stars promoting Guiding and Girl Guide biscuits — well done to them both . For more information , visit the Ready Steady Cook website at http :// readysteadycook . ten . com . au /.
Robinette Emonson , State Commissioner Victoria , Jane Dent , State Commissioner Tasmania , Joan Bunker , International Manager , Miranda Cummings , Western Australia Olave Program Manager , and I will be attending the Asia Pacific Conference in Japan during July . Australian members of the Friends of Asia Pacific WAGGGS will also be attending part of the Conference proceedings . We will be providing updates during the conference via the GGA website and I will provide an overview in my next report .
In the lead up to the federal election , Girl Guiding across Australia came together to create Building Australia and Contributing to a Better Tomorrow .
The statement , which is signed off by all State Commissioners , State Executive Officers , the Chief Commissioner and National Executive Officer , has been sent out to some 250 leaders across Australia asking them to consider the needs of our wider community .
Importantly , the statement is based upon feedback from Girl Guiding and contains 14 key action points on not only what is needed for Girl Guiding ’ s future , but all our futures . Briefly , the document says that Girl Guides across Australia care about their community , their nation and their world . The statement also describes how Guiding in Australia provides girls and young women with opportunities to develop life skills , leadership and contribute back to their community . The statement is available on the GGA website at http :// www . girlguides . org . au / news-events / news-coverage / building-australia-and-contributing-to-a-bettertomorrow . html .
The Chief Commissioner applications closed at the end of May 2013 and I am delighted with the calibre of the applicants . The election process will be conducted by the GGA Board and the formal announcement of the new Chief Commissioner elect will be made mid-August 2013 .
In life you need a wishbone , to succeed in life you need 3 things — a wishbone , a backbone and a funny bone .
- Reba McEntire
Page 4 Queensland on the Go July 2013