Trefoil Guild
Margaret Blake , State Trefoil Adviser trefoilguild @ guidesqld . org
Plans are taking shape for the State Gathering in October with only three months to go . The theme is “ Together in Harmony ”. Some exciting activities are being planned , and members are looking forward to meeting up again after two years . Applications with deposits for attendance at the Gathering are due at the end of June , to enable all the domestic arrangements to be completed .
Aspley had its 35th birthday celebration , and celebrated with 3 days of R & R at Brisbane Trefoil House together with members from Bracken Ridge Guild .
Grovely celebrated its 60th birthday with , of course , a birthday party . Members reminisced with old photos and early history , and there were several original members present on the day .
like to join for a good old sing-along with the Guild members who are delighted to follow their mission to “ keep Guiding singing ”. Hear , Hear !
Gympie had a visit from the local Policeman — wait for it — no-one was taken away . He was there to give the ladies an insight into some of the situations he attends — particularly since it was Domestic Violence Awareness month .
Eleven members of Warwick Guild enjoyed a wonderful weekend at Trefoil House where the theme was “ Live , Love and Laugh ”. They paid particular attention to a demonstration of how to make genuine Austrian apple strudel .
Mackay recently catered for the Region Leadership Training Weekend . They had a fun weekend and were very happy to catch up with Guiding Friends and Trainers , who certainly enthused the Leaders . A successful weekend was enjoyed by all .
Sylvia Ringrose Guild enjoyed its annual Mother ’ s Day High Tea at Helen Ede ’ s house . The theme of fun , food and fellowship had a high priority .
Toowoomba members enjoyed a lovely weekend at Trefoil House at Kindilan . Among the attractions were a walk along the Bee Gees Wall of Fame at Redcliffe and a visit to the Redlands Museum .
Nostalgia Singers Guild joined with Hamilton / Clayfield Ranger Guides for the presentation of a BP Award . The Trefoil girls sang the Ranger Song for them and helped the Ranger Guides learn the song . Now they would
2013 Biscuit Campaign
Fraser Coast Trefoil Guild sold Guide biscuits outside Target in Hervey Bay ’ s Stocklands Shopping Centre and everyone who bought took home two or three packets . Shoppers remembered how tasty they were and were assured the biscuits were still the same old recipe , some with the added surprise of choc top but just as tasty . You can ’ t turn down an old favourite , can you ?
Page 26 Queensland on the Go July 2013