And that was just what I did . I came up with some awful diagnosis and thought I should go and get myself checked out just to see how long I had to live . Needless to say my over-dramatic self was wrong . My doctor confirmed that I was not getting enough protein in my diet .
According to WebMD Protein is an important component of every cell in the body . Hair and nails are mostly made of protein . Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues . You also use protein to make enzymes , hormones , and other body chemicals . Protein is an important building block of bones , muscles , cartilage , skin , and blood . Along with fat and carbohydrates , protein is a ” macronutrient ,” meaning that the body needs relatively large amounts of it . Vitamins and minerals , which are needed in only small quantities , are called ” micronutrients .” But unlike fat and carbohydrates , the body does not store protein , and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply .
Some signs that your protein intake may be low are :
• You feel very tired when you shouldn ’ t be .
• Your hair is falling out . Meaning you actually take care of your hair and it begins falling out for no reason .
• Your body takes longer to heal itself .
• Your nails become brittle and soft .
• Your muscle density begins to decrease . Some foods that you can eat in place of your meat are :
• Nuts and seeds
• Eggs
• Beans
• Non Fat Mozzarella Cheese
• Apricots
The recommended amount of protein intake depends on your age , weight and some other factors . Be sure to always check with your physician before you decide to change your diet . And before you take out the meat make sure your body doesn ’ t miss the meat .