Ladies , one huge misconception is that being Plus Size gives you a free pass not to work out . I cannot begin to tell you how wrong you are for thinking that way . We all must work out to maintain good health and healthy hearts . In addition to being healthy , you want to tighten up your body and try to get rid of as much body fat as you can . No one is saying that you must work out to get skinny but it is a scientific fact that an excess of fat in the body can cause major health conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes , High blood pressure , Stroke , heart disease and certain types of cancers . You want to try to get yourself on a workout regimen . We all know that it is very difficult to build up enough motivation to get started and it is that much easier to quit ; but you want start with a regimen that you know that you can and will stick with . Start out slow at first and then work your way up . You don ’ t necessarily need to join the gym ; you can very easily create workouts at home using things that can be easily found in your home . You can do exercises while you are doing household chores as well . Here are a few suggestions that I have done myself .
Squats : This can be done while you are doing laundry . Put your clothing on the floor or in a basket in front of the washing machine . Do proper squats to pick up and put the clothes in the machine .