Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 26

Cultura Pre- Pregunta clave AP What does a house and its contents tell us about the people who live there? Los venezolanos y sus casas Do you know where the name Venezuela originated?  The Spanish explorers saw houses built on stilts in the waters of Lake Maracaibo and decided to call the area “Little Venice.” Venezuelans trace their origins to those early Europeans, but also to various indigenous tribes, and to the tribesman brought from Africa to work on the sugar and cotton plantations. Venezuelan homes are as diverse as the people themselves. The varied living spaces and lifestyles are evidence of Venezuela’s rapid social and economic change since the oil boom of the 1970s. In large cosmopolitan cities like Caracas and Maracaibo, you find high-rise apartment buildings with all the modern conveniences. The owners usually work in the city to take advantage of job opportunities and the proximity to museums, shopping, and restaurants. The housing shortage in Caracas has caused many rural newcomers seeking employment to build small homes and shacks (ranchos) crowded together in slums on the hillsides surrounding the city. Wealthier families prefer houses with more living space in quiet Los apartamentos cerca de Caracas residential districts. Casas indígenas en el agua Indigenous groups have their own styles of housing. The Yanomami, a tribe that lives in the Amazon rainforest, choose communal living. Entire villages live under a common roof called the shabono. And on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, you can still find settlements built on stilts over the water, similar to the housing units viewed by the Spanish back in the 16 th century. Búsqueda:  venezuela housing, 1970s venezuelan oil boom Productos     Conéctate: el arte y el diseño Los indígenas del Estado Amazonas en Venezuela producen fantásticos productos artesanales (handicrafts). Un producto que está presente en todos los hogares (homes) indígenas de Venezuela es el chinchorro. Esta hamaca de muchos colores se usa para dormir o descansar (rest) y también como decoración. Hoy, las comunidades indígenas producen chinchorros artesanales para todo el país. Son tan populares que en muchos hogares de las grandes ciudades venezolanas hay un chinchorro en el patio o en el balcón. Un chinchorro 14 Comprensión 1. What is the origin of the name Venezuela? 2. Name three types of housing in Venezuela and a positive aspect of each. 3. Why are the chinchorros so popular in Venezuelan homes? 15 Analiza What effects, positive and negative, do you think the Venezuelan oil boom of the 1970s had on people’s living situation? 278 doscientos setenta y ocho  |  Unidad 6  Mi casa es su casa Comparaciones What types of homes exist where you live? How are they similar to, and different from, the types of homes in Venezuela?