Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 235

C ¡A escribir! Connecting to Social and Cross-Cultural Skills, Communication What kind of clothes do you like to wear? What accesories do you use? Write a paragraph in Spanish comparing and contrasting how you generally dress during summer and winter. What colors, fabrics, and accessories do you prefer? Incorporate vocabulary from Unidad 9 as well as previously learned vocabulary. Use a Venn diagram to organize your ideas before you start writing. verano un traje de baño D La agencia de publicidad  invierno un bolso de cuero un suéter de lana Conéctate: el arte y el diseño Connecting to Creativity and Innovation, Media Literacy, Communication Imagine you work for an advertising agency. Find advertisements and pictures of different clothing items from fashion magazines and the Internet, and design a poster-sized advertisement or a web page for clothing and accessories. Include in your design various types of clothing in different colors, materials, and sizes. Then, present your design to the class and explain each item in the advertisement, including what the people are wearing, the colors and materials of each article, the price, and why others should buy them. After all the presentations are made, students will vote on the most convincing poster. ¡Nueva colección! E Ahora, ¡hay que pagar!  Connecting to Social and Cross-Cultural Skills, Flexibility and Adaptability, Business Literacy In small groups, prepare a skit. Two friends are shopping and the third is a dependiente. The two shoppers discuss the items, the prices, and what they think of them. The dependiente should try to convince the shoppers to buy, making comments about how the items fit and look. When they are ready to pay, there is a discussion with the dependiente about the total price, whether or not anything is on sale, how the shoppers will pay, and the receipt. Make the dialogue as lively and detailed as you can. You may use props to make the skit more realistic. ¿Cuánto cuesta este bolso? Unidad 9  |  cuatrocientos ochenta y siete 487