Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 234

Proyectos Pre- AP A ¡Manos a la obra!  Pregunta clave What can you learn about a country from the products and services it provides? Connecting to Collaboration, Information Literacy, Business Literacy In a small group, work together to make a decision and research three famous markets in the Spanish-speaking world, such as Otavalo (Ecuador), Chichicastenango (Guatemala), and Pisac (Peru). Compare and contrast the three, using diagrams or charts to make the comparisons clear. Include characteristics such as who buys there, products sold, location, days and hours of operation, and any additional services or attractions offered by the markets that make them similar to, or different from, the others. Mercado de Chichicastenango B En resumen Connecting to Global Awareness, Communication, Economic Literacy Review what you have learned in this unit about Panama and Ecuador. On the chart below, list the products and services offered by each country. Explain how each of those products or services reveals an aspect of that country. Present the information to the class. País Producto o servicio Panamá Ecuador 486 cuatrocientos ochenta y seis  |  Unidad 9  ¡Vamos de compras! Lo que aprendí