Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 236

Repaso de la Unidad 9 Go online Video Program Pre-Test Mis metas cumplidas Lección A  I can: Lección B  I can: ■ describe ■ talk about buying gifts and accessories (pp. 460–461) ■ use diminutives to express affection or size (p. 464) ■ identify ■ use clothing in terms of color and fabric (p. 434) parts of the body (p. 435) adjectives as nouns (p. 438) the preterite of leer, oír, ver, decir, hacer, and tener (p. 465) ■ use ■ talk about the past using the preterite tense of -er and -ir verbs (p. 441) ■ talk about the Panama Canal, and the products and services that Panama provides (pp. 444–445) ■ talk about shopping for clothing (pp. 446–447) ■ use the preterite of ir and ser (p. 449) ■ use affirmative and negative expressions in conversations (p. 452) ■ read about and discuss a shopping mall in Panama (p. 456) ■ discuss the connection between Ecuador’s geography and the products and services it provides (pp. 468–469) ■ talk about prices and payment practices in a store (p. 470) ■ use prepositions with their corresponding pronouns (p. 474) ■ read about and discuss el mercado de Otavalo  (p. 479) Trabalenguas  Venancio vendía bonitas boinas, bonitas, baratas, embalaba baberos, bolillos, botas bellas y boinas buenas. Resolviendo el misterio After watching Episodio 9 of El cuarto misterioso, answer the following questions. 1. How does José gain entrance to the briefcase? 2. What does José find in the briefcase? 3. What information does a confused Conchita let slip to Rafael about the treasure? 488 cuatrocientos ochenta y ocho  |  Unidad 9  ¡Vamos de compras!