Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 177
C ¡A escribir!
Connecting to Communication,Technology Literacy, Social and
Cross-Cultural Skills
Imagine that you’re an exchange student in Spain. Based
on the weekly planner from Actividad B, write an e-mail
back home. Tell about things you do in your daily routine,
as well as some new or special things you did last week.
Be sure to include vocabulary from Unidad 8 as well as
any previously learned vocabulary. Mention other host
family members and what some of them do every day.
D ¿Cuánto pesa? ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Amigas tomándose una foto en España
Conéctate: las matemáticas
Connecting to Financial Literacy, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Imagina que vas a un mercado en España a comprar los siguientes ingredientes para preparar una
paella. Cambia los pesos (weights) a libras u onzas, según la pista (clue) entre paréntesis. También
observa los precios de los ingredientes. Luego, cambia los euros a dólares, para saber cuánto te
cuesta en total comprar todo lo que necesitas.
Receta de Paella
1 kg de cebollas (libras)
1/2 kg de pimientos rojos (onzas)
2 kg de mejillones (libras)
1/2 kg de gambas (onzas)
1 pollo
2 kilos de arroz blanco (libras)
2 chorizos
1 kg de tomates (libras)
1/2 kg de limones (onzas)
pimientos rojos 1,60 €/kg
gambas 15 €/kg
tomates rojos 0,70 €/kg
pollo 12 €
arroz blanco 3 €/kg
cebollas 0,75 €/kg
mejillones 6,50 €/kg
ajo 0,20 €/cabeza
chorizo 3,50 €/unidad
limón 1 €/kg
Un poco más
¿Cuánto pesa?
1 kilogram, kg
(kilo, kg) = 2.2 pounds, lbs.
(libras, lb)
1 kilogram = 1000 grams, gr.
(gramos, gr)
28.35 grams = 1 ounce, oz.
(onza, oz)
1 cabeza de ajo
E La comida en casa
Connecting to Communication, Flexibility and Adaptability, Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
If you know someone, or if there is a resource in your community from another country (preferably
Spanish-speaking), interview him or her about meals eaten at home. (If there is no one in your
community from another country, then complete the activity with someone who is originally from
another region of the country.) Ask about dishes the family likes and who prepares the meals. Also
ask who buys the ingredients, sets the table, and cleans up. Finally, learn about one or more dishes
from the person’s place of origin. Find out the ingredients, where you can buy them, and then ask
for the recipe. Report your findings to the class. If you are able, make the recipe and report on
your experience.
Unidad 8 | cuatrocientos veintinueve