Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 176

Proyectos Pre- Essential Pregunta Question clave AP How How do do people routines reach out inside to communicate and outside with the home others? reflect cultural values? A ¡Manos a la obra!  Connecting to Collaboration, Information Literacy, Technology Literacy Working with two classmates, draw up a KWL chart to find out more about Spain. Write down what you know and what you want to know. Then, use the Internet to research some topics you want to pursue, and write the results in the final column. When you have finished, choose the two topics you found most interesting and make a brief presentation about them to the class. Use visuals to make your presentation more interesting. Lo que sé Lo que quiero saber Lo que aprendí B En resumen Connecting to Initiative and Self-Direction, Social and Cross-Cultural Skills, Global Awareness You have just completed your second week as an exchange student living with a Spanish family. Now that you are getting used to the lifestyle, fill out a weekly planner, which you can design yourself or download from the Internet. Write your routine activities for next week, both inside and outside the home, keeping in mind what you know about Spanish culture and lifestyle. Include the times when you will do each activity, with whom (friends and/or host family), and also your plans for the weekend. PLANEADOR 428 LUNES MARTES MIÉRCOLES JUEVES VIERNES SÁBADO DOMINGO LUNES cuatrocientos veintiocho  |  Unidad 8  La rutina diaria