You do not have to agree with or get along with everyone. Love includes letting people be. Letting people self-destruct if that is what they need. Peace is found within. You will find your peace and your peace is not predicated on global peace.
Planet earth is not meant to be a utopia. It has a different purpose. It is meant to be a storm in which you, as an individual, can realize that peace exists no matter what is going on around you. Be the calm in the midst of the storm instead of conjuring a storm to fight the storm.
An environmentalist can plant trees to save the forest. It can bring peace to their heart and give them fulfillment. The tree-cutter does not have to be attacked or fought for they are on their own journey. This fighting takes time and energy away from simply planting trees, the very thing that fulfills the environmentalist. The peace is not found in fighting, but in doing what one loves within their ideology. Just plant trees. Keep planting trees. Love planting trees and ignore those that are of a different mindset.
Let the bigots be bigots. Just love. Keep loving--even loving the bigots. This is the lost art of being human. You will not even realize their existence if you surround yourself with the manifestations of your true self, while simply observing and ignoring the rest. It will be a rare occurrence when the bigot crosses your path, and that occurrence will only haunt you if you let it by keeping your awareness on the negative.
The art of being human is realizing that you do not have to escape to a remote location to find enlightenment, and that one can be awakened and work a nine-to-five they despise just to feed their family. One can be awakened and be a banker, soldier, pharmacist, or entertainer. The art of being human is to be you, no matter where you are or what is happening around you. If you cannot be around people you disagree with, you are letting them dictate your experience instead of being the calm within the storm. This is not living; it is running from life. This is not being enlightened, this is being confined by the thoughts and actions of others.
The art of being human is the ability and finesse of applying wisdom. Our heart calls for diversity. To have diversity, there will exist the things we do not like. To experience joy, there will be times of suffering. There is a season for all things. We cannot micromanage existence. We cannot control the natural flow of things.
Humans are not less. We are wondrous, for we have chosen to incarnate in this rough neighborhood called earth. We are strong for being willing to get messy at times, make mistakes, and go through the pains of healing our deepest wounds. We are resilient in our quest to understand truth and evolve as beings. We should be proud of our condition, not demonize ourselves for our errors.
We only need to understand our own lessons, our own stories, and our own perceptions. This is where peace and liberation is realized. If we spend time trying to change others' perceptions, ideologies, or expressions, we take our eyes from our own journey.
The question must be asked, should we take vigilant care of the external world, or should we take vigilant care within ourselves? When answering this, we must realize that everything starts from within each individual. The external does not cause change within. Change within causes change without.
One would not appreciate the wonders outside without the wonders within calling these experiences forward. Two people can look at the same painting... One says, "this is wonderful," the other argues, "this is rubbish." Where is the truth?