As Evangelicals await Christ's return to fix the world, some New Agers believe either aliens will be our saviors or Indigo Children, Starseeds, a beam of ultraviolet light from the Pleiades hitting the earth, or whatever the latest channeled idea that hits the scene will lead the world to redemption. That which the New Age movement has vehemently rejected, they have become, only to affix different terminology, morphing their ideology only semantically. They are all looking for something external to fix others, themselves, and this world.
They have shrugged off the judgmental nature of religion and ironically begin to judge the religions, or the corporations, or political parties, or the banks, or the government. They hate the haters. They hate the tree killers. They hate those that are bigots and snobs.
Hate begets hate. If one holds hate in their heart, it will consume, no matter the altruistic intention or corrupt nature of the target.
Let us return to our very origin, view the world through the lens of an ancient human, with all the awe and wonder and curiosity of what it is that dwells within us and projects in front of us. It is time to step back and be the observer, the witness to our perceptions and our experiences. We understand that we are here to realize. We understand that there are many paths to realizing the love and oneness of God. So let us not forget that others are learning these similar lessons in vastly different manners.
As we choose our lives, we also choose these sometimes difficult environments, philosophies, fears, and prejudices in order to learn specific lessons. The fundamentalist has chosen to be so. This lifestyle offers lessons and experiences that another will not, just as a New Ager has chosen to express life to realize lessons in their own unique way. Even the nonspiritual person is learning, realizing, and growing. No one can escape the realizations life will bring.
We must do our own work. When we look to galactic alignments, or teachers, or saviors to save us, we are taking the easy way out. These fine tools are not the doers of our work. We are the doers, the livers. Teachings and signs should only point to what lies within. We would be refusing to fulfill our stories on our own volition for our own betterment. This is lazy religion. This is the superstition that keeps us from truly expressing life. So, when we hate the bigot and want to force them to change their thinking by legislation, shaming, or disdain, we rob them the chance of experiencing what they need to experience in order to progress on the soul level.
The big secret is that everyone on the planet does not have to "wake up" for the world to have peace. There is peace among the chaos, but it is up to the individual to find their own peace. Once that peace is found, this does not mean there will never be times of trial or struggle. It is time to stop wishing for everything to be easy, without conflict, and handed to us. A diamond is formed through great, intense pressure. Some speak of our collective evolution... Evolution comes from natural selection, not intervention from an outside source to force change. Lessons are learned through trial and error. Through this trial and error, we make new choices, we adapt to our circumstances. This adaptation is the stimulus for change. We choose it, it is not forced upon us.
The art of being human is understanding this and thriving in an environment despite its seemingly chaotic nature. Chaos only exists when one looks directly at it, the problems, the negatives. When we step back, observe the vast tapestry that is life, we see that even the chaos has an order. It is all a beautiful tale infused with mystery, intrigue, heroes and villains, happiness, and sorrow. We can all be different and coexist. You do not have to agree with or get along with everyone. Love includes letting people be. Letting people self-destruct if that is what they need. Peace is found within. You will find your peace and your peace is not predicated on global peace.