Pure Path; Divine Wisdom for Your Divine Life 5of5 | Page 5

coming here until you "get it right". It is not about offsetting "bad karma" or planting "good karma". This is a place of living a story.. a story YOU HAVE CHOSEN, in order to experience any number of diverse ways to live for the realization of your true self on its journey of reuniting with the all that is, the supreme, God, or however one wishes to name this grand, mysterious "it".

Some choose a life of poverty, others affluence. There are those that choose disability or sickness while others choose a life of abundant health. Without knowing one's true story, seeking out those to "save" could end up being stifling to their spiritual development. Not everyone is meant to be rich and not everyone must give up their material possessions. Their are enumerable lessons we have chosen to experience. All of these lead to the same source and realization. These lives are not who we are, but roles we take on in order to gain realization from many different angles.

The ego tells us differently. It tells us this person who is seemingly suffering is not strong enough to endure or to come to their own realizations. The ego rises when we see someone we think does not deserve their societal status, therefore jealousy results and vengeance bubbles within the heart. Yet one cannot know what goes on in the heart of another. There are subtle experiences guiding all of us uniquely toward truth in all of its wholeness.

For this purpose, the world is perfect. The world does not need healing. The earth is what it was meant to be--a place of duality, good and bad, love and hate, triumph and failure. We have forgotten its very nature in our attempts to mold it into our egoistically assumed version of perfection.

Many in the spiritual and religious community view this physical existence as a plague, a disease, a thing from which to run far and fast. Somehow being human is a prison sentence. It is something to be demonized. It is a lesser thing. This perversion of ancient teachings is what leads humankind to suffering. The idea that we are here only to escape being here is the very thing that has lead to great conflict and misunderstanding.

Religious fundamentalism has caused much conflict, fighting over whose God is superior and who the "sinners" are that are an abomination, destroying creation. It has pitted nation against nation, culture versus culture, and person against person. It has caused rule by fear and deeds not from love but through obligation and duty. These teachings are not the ancient way, but a newer concept, albeit existing for a couple thousand years. These perversions of faith created dark ages, holding back the progress of humankind.

These days, much of "New Age" thinking has become the very thing it rejected. Many who have flocked to New Age teachings came from a religious upbringing or experienced its judgment and saw its corruption, its paradigm of fear and untruths that kept followers from realizing truth and liberation. Alas, New Agers have created their own dogma and its doctrine has become just as dangerous to its followers as the strict fundamentalism of the Abrahamic religions.

They fear "negative energy" just as Christians fear the devil. They have adopted a similar "fall of man" and original sin by trying to escape physical existence. Instead of meditating to discover our own selves and listen to divine guidance and our inner voice, meditation and spiritualism is used as a means to escape to the ether rather than being present, balanced, and wise.

As Evangelicals await Christ's return to fix the world, some New Agers believe either aliens will be our saviors or Indigo Children, Starseeds, a beam of ultraviolet light from the Pleiades hitting the earth, or whatever the latest channeled idea that hits the scene will lead the world to redemption. That which the New Age movement has vehemently rejected, they have become, only to affix different terminology, morphing their ideology only semantically. They are all looking for something external to fix others, themselves, and this world.