Pure Path; Divine Wisdom for Your Divine Life 5of5 | Page 19

Question: Is wheat grass a good detoxifier?

Answer: Unknown.

To answer this question we must first ask what makes a supplement a good detoxifier? For the most part it’s the amount of fiber in the product. This is because fiber in a diet will allow for proper elimination of toxins in the body. When looking at the nutritional guideline of wheat grass; set forward by the FDA, there is one gram of fiber per 3 grams of the juice[1]. The reason wheat grass is helpful for detoxing, is that most detoxing programs and supplements actually balance the bodies ph and give nutrients to the body so that it can naturally expel toxins.

B. Question: Will wheat grass help with my energy level?

Answer: Susan yes.

The one thing that all studies can agree is that wheat grass is an amazing source of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals (concentrated amounts of: Chlorophyll, vitamins A, C, and E, Calcium, and magnesium). Not knowing what your specific diet is, I cannot tell you if that your lack of energy, and if energy level is a concern please seek out a qualified health professional to help you diagnose what you do after that is your body, however it’s good to know that there are no other problems making you tired. However, adding nutrients to your body is always a great way to go in increasing overall health and vitality. [2]

Now we can go on and on about this product because as with most things in holistic medicine there are people on all sides of the argument with strong opinions. The one thing that everyone can agree on, and that I will take a stance on, if you are buying powdered wheat grass products or in a pill please do me a favor. Go to the donate section of my page and whatever you are spending on these products please donate them to me. Much like essential oils, quality and viability is extremely important. Wheat grass must be taken for maximum benefit it must be fresh and juiced properly. Lynne Blance, the owner of Sage Apothecary, and close friend of mine has the following to say: I've been reading about it for years .I think the most interesting thing I've found is it only actually has the benefits when it's within an hour of cutting. Like any other "grass" based nutrition, it leeches and dies really fast” Susan you can buy really great wheat grass growing systems and juicers online through amazon. You can grow it indoors, and juice it each day for maximum benefit.