Pure Path; Divine Wisdom for Your Divine Life 5of5 | Page 20

maximum benefit it must be fresh and juiced properly. Lynne Blance, the owner of Sage Apothecary, and close friend of mine has the following to say: I've been reading about it for years .I think the most interesting thing I've found is it only actually has the benefits when it's within an hour of cutting. Like any other "grass" based nutrition, it leeches and dies really fast” Susan you can buy really great wheat grass growing systems and juicers online through amazon. You can grow it indoors, and juice it each day for maximum benefit.

Overall Susan, we recommend freshly juiced, wheat grass for the additional fiber and nutrients. Please be aware that if you have grass allergy or a gluten intolerance it may not be for you. If you do choose to grow your own, it’s a very easy and fun project, be sure to follow instructions carefully.

Thanks again for the great question.

Ok the next email comes from Justin P.

Question: “I have been working out for years and I have been seeing a lot of coconut water, and other coconut supplements and was wondering what the benefits of this post workout, or using coconut oil in general.”

Another great question.

Answer: Now I have heard and been told the wonderful effects of coconut oil, however due to the allergy I have to it, I have no firsthand experience. I am hoping, even though I know it won’t be the case, that similar to when soy became popular, they won’t end up putting coconut in everything. Over doing it for everyone, as well as making it more difficult for me to find food sources that wont kill me.

Justin since this is a very controversial topic with many opinions I am going to only address the specifics of your question and if any of my readers want the full email response given to him then please email [email protected], and we will make sure all the info on coconut oil is given to you.