Pure Path; Divine Wisdom for Your Divine Life 5of5 | Page 18

Your Questions Answered

Depending on where you are in the country you are probably in the same boat I am. Sitting on your couch, wrapped in one hundred blankets, sticking my fingers out under the blanket while trying to type without getting frost bite. However, we are almost through it here in New York and YAY to that.

We have been pouring over the emails and have gotten some really interesting questions about our health concerns queries. For those of you that done know about that, we have an email in which you can ask any holistic question. And we’ll respond to you. That is also the place where you can get a free health evaluation and supplement suggestions.

One of Pure Path’s missions is to get accurate, scientific information out to the community. To share the process of finding information and allowing others to advocate for the best holistic health care available to them. Many questions have involved different therapies, supplements, as well various fad diets out there, which is why Pure Path has decided at to discuss to the best of our ability give you the low down on them. This article for me is the one of the most impactful for me to write. So I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Our first question comes from Susan M. Susan writes: I have been feeling tired, and need to detox. I was wondering what you thought of adding wheat grass to my daily diet, to help me with my day to day activities.

Wonderful question.

As soon as I saw this, I was very excited. There is fact and fiction in your question. One that many people have had about this great supplement for many years. Wheat grass has been hailed as the anti-cancer super food, the detoxifier of the gods, and when you hear some people talk about it, they claim it’s the only thing you ever need to take in.

Question: Is wheat grass a good detoxifier?

Answer: Unknown.

To answer this question we must first ask what makes a supplement a good detoxifier? For the most part it’s the amount of fiber in the product. This is because fiber in a diet will allow for proper elimination of toxins in the body. When looking at the nutritional guideline of wheat grass; set forward by the FDA, there is one gram of fiber per 3 grams of the juice[1]. The reason wheat grass is helpful for detoxing, is that most detoxing programs and supplements actually balance the bodies ph and give nutrients to the body so that it can naturally expel toxins.

B. Question: Will wheat grass help with my energy level?

Answer: Susan yes.

The one thing that all studies can agree is that wheat grass is an amazing source of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals (concentrated amounts of: Chlorophyll, vitamins A, C, and E, Calcium, and magnesium). Not knowing what your specific diet is, I cannot tell you if that your lack of energy, and if energy level is a concern please seek out a qualified health professional to help you diagnose what you do after that is your body, however it’s good to know that there are no other problems making you tired. However, adding nutrients to your body is always a great way to go in increasing overall health and vitality. [2]

Now we can go on and on about this product because as with most things in holistic medicine there are people on all sides of the argument with strong opinions. The one thing that everyone can agree on, and that I will take a stance on, if you are buying powdered wheat grass products or in a pill please do me a favor. Go to the donate section of my page and whatever you are spending on these products please donate them to me. Much like essential oils, quality and viability is extremely important. Wheat grass must be taken for maximum benefit it must be fresh and juiced properly. Lynne Blance, the owner of Sage Apothecary, and close friend of mine has the following to say: I've been reading about it for years .I think the most interesting thing I've found is it only actually has the benefits when it's within an hour of cutting. Like any other "grass" based nutrition, it leeches and dies really fast” Susan you can buy really great wheat grass growing systems and juicers online through amazon. You can grow it indoors, and juice it each day for maximum benefit.

Overall Susan, we recommend freshly juiced, wheat grass for the additional fiber and nutrients. Please be aware that if you have grass allergy or a gluten intolerance it may not be for you. If you do choose to grow your own, it’s a very easy and fun project, be sure to follow instructions carefully.

Thanks again for the great question.

Ok the next email comes from Justin P.

Question: “I have been working out for years and I have been seeing a lot of coconut water, and other coconut supplements and was wondering what the benefits of this post workout, or using coconut oil in general.”

Another great question.

Answer: Now I have heard and been told the wonderful effects of coconut oil, however due to the allergy I have to it, I have no firsthand experience. I am hoping, even though I know it won’t be the case, that similar to when soy became popular, they won’t end up putting coconut in everything. Over doing it for everyone, as well as making it more difficult for me to find food sources that wont kill me.

Justin since this is a very controversial topic with many opinions I am going to only address the specifics of your question and if any of my readers want the full email response given to him then please email [email protected], and we will make sure all the info on coconut oil is given to you.

If you are using coconut oil for working out and to help releasing weight then the answer is no. Although there are claims that the coconut has enzymes in it to allow the fat to pass through and not be stored in adipose. While it is true that the fat you intake will not store in the adipose of the body[3], there are benefits and drawbacks to ingesting coconut oil.

Let’s go with the good. Due to the chemical makeup of coconut oil it will raise the HDL cholesterol in your body, the good cholesterol in the body that you need to make hormones, and to assist in other body functions. [4]

The down side. Unlike vegetable oil or soy bean oil coconut oil does increase your LDL the bad cholesterol.

So Justin if you have any kind of cholesterol problem please use this oil in moderation if at all.

However, while we work out and sweat the electrolyte levels in our body deplete. Coconut water is a natural way to replenish the, containing more electrolytes and less sugar than any of the leading sports drinks. This allows the body to rehydrate more quickly and bounce back from workout dehydration, and the cramping or painful side effects of it, more rapidly. Look for brands where Pure Coconut water is the only ingredient.

The final question I got asked which more an interview question was. The question is what I thought that the future of medicine was going to look like. After sitting for a bit before I answered I logged onto Facebook and saw this quote. I guess my answer is much older than I thought.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. Thomas Edison.”

Then one of our avid readers and close and personal friends chimed in and I loved here answer as well. Peg from Pennsylvania said the following:

“My idea of the future of medicine: when are sick, you see a diagnostician. After making a diagnosis, the diagnostician then counsels you on the options available, including allopathic medicine, and everything that is currently considered "alternative". You can then choose what you deem is best for you.”

Now that you have read our opinions, let us hear yours. What is your idea of the future of medicine? What do you fear? What do you hope for? How should insurance be handled? Give us all of it. The good, the bad, and the in between. 

As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read this month’s article and look forward to answering your health questions next month. Not to diagnose or prescribe, but to turn the health of our country, and our world back into the hands in which it belongs -The individuals who are living it.

Jacquelyn Cuyler

Email your questions to [email protected]

Owner Pure Path Products and Services


[1] http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/custom/900675/2 [2] http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/phytochemicals/chlorophylls/ [3] http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/coconut-oil-and-weight-loss/AN01899 [4] http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletters/Harvard_Health_Letter/2011/May/coconut-oil