Pure Love
encounters atoms compatible to its own, attraction occurs, whilst
with others, there is no such attraction. This attraction is known
as attachment and abhorrence. People will say, ‘I am attracted’.
If you do not wish it, then why is your body being pulled against
your wishes? So who are ‘you’ in all this?
If you tell your body ‘do not to go there’, it will still get
up and go. That is because the atoms within are being attracted.
The body gets pulled away wherever there are compatible
atoms. Otherwise why would our body be pulled when we do
not wish for it to be? When people’s bodies are pulled towards
each other, they say they have too much attachment. But if
you ask them whether they wish it, they will say that they do
not, but even then they are pulled by their attraction. This
then, is not attachment (raag), but the property of attraction.
But until one has Gnan, one cannot call it an attraction, because
one believes that he is the one who is being attracted. If one
has this Gnan, when one is the Self, one would know that it
is because of the attraction that the body gets pulled and that
He does not do anything. He is simply the Knower. So when
this body gets attracted, it is this body, which is involved in
activity; it is all an attraction of the atoms. It has nothing to do
with the Self.
The nature of the mind, body and speech is of attraction
and repulsion, and the nature of the Self is not. The body
becomes attracted; it is comparable to the force between a
magnet and a pin. A magnet will not attract brass. It attracts
only iron, so it only attracts atoms compatible to its own.
Similarly the atoms in our body are like that of a magnet; they
attract those of their own class. Atoms of similar properties
are attracted. A woman will get along with an insane daughter-
in-law but not with her own sane sister. That is because the
atoms do not match.
That is why even towards one’s son, there is only