Pure Love
The Way Of The Liberated One : Dadashri
Questioner: Dada, how did you become liberated?
Dadashri: It was “but natural” (Dadashri’s own words).
I do not know how it all happened!
Questioner: But now you know, don’t you? Please show
us these steps.
Dadashri: I did not set out to do anything. Nothing
happened. What did I set out to do, and what actually happened?
I simply set out to make some khir (dessert) but instead ended
up with nectar (amrut). All the ingredients from past lives came
together. I knew that I had something special within me. I knew
that much and because of that I felt a sense of pride and a
certain smugness.
Questioner: I thought that if you would describe the
process of how you became enlightened then and I would
understand that process.
Dadashri: If you take this Gnan, and follow my Agnas,
that is enlightenment. After that it does not matter what you eat,
drink or wear, as long as you abide by my Agnas, you are
absolutely unattached. These Agnas are protection for your
unattached state.
The Atomic Science of Attraction And
What can this be compared to? It is like the attraction
between a magnet and a pin. If you move a magnet around a
pin, the pin would move along with it. When we bring the
magnet closer to the pin, the pin will stick to it. How does the
infatuation and attraction in the pin arise? Similarly in this body
too, because of the presence of the electrical body within, there
is a property like that of a magnet. The electricity within gives
rise to the body’s magnetic property, so when the body