Pure Love
Not An Owner Of A Wife But A Companion
‘I am Chandubhai’, is a wrong belief. These are all wrong
beliefs. Husbands become domineering because they consider
themselves as husbands; owner of the wife. The wives when
dominated try to dominate in return and the cycle continues.
They should instead think of themselves as companions of their
wives. Would there be any problems then?
Questioner: Dada you use a very modern term.
Dadashri: What else? There will be fewer problems this
way. The tussle will end. If they lived as companions they would
help each other out. Now if one lives with a companion in a
single room home, one person would make tea and the other
will finish some other task and in this manner the companionship
will last.
Questioner: The word companion is also associated with
infatuation and attraction, is it not?
Dadashri: There is infatuation and attraction even in
that, but that infatuation and attraction is not like that when the
terms, husband and wife are used. The terms, husband and
wife are filled with heavy infatuation and attraction, but when
the word companion is used, the infatuation and attraction
‘She Is Not Mine…’
An elderly man had lost his wife twenty years ago. His
nephew who was sitting near me said, ‘shall I make my uncle
cry?’ I asked, ‘How will you do that? He is now so old.’ The
young man replied, ‘Just watch, and see how sensitive this uncle
is.’ Then the nephew said, ‘what a wonderful lady, my aunt
was…how kind she was…’ Upon hearing this, the old man
became tearful and then burst out crying! How crazy people
are! Even at the age of sixty he cries! People even cry while