Pure Love
people call God. It is with Him that you would experience real
love even if you do something wrong. And such a love would
remain the same even if you were to offer garlands of flowers.
It is love that will not increase or decrease. This is called real
love and that real love is the Divine Lord Himself.
This world has not seen love at all. After Lord Mahavir’s
departure, this world has seen nothing but infatuation and
attraction. In the worldly life what people refer to, as love is
really infatuation and attraction. It is considered love as long
as it remains constant. When it deviates from normality,
increases or decreases, that love is considered infatuation and
attraction. A mother’s love can be called love but when it
leaves normality, it is called infatuation and attraction. Otherwise
love is the divine Self.
The Love Between Guru And Disciple
All doors open with pure love. What can one not attain
with the love of a Guru? The love between a real guru and the
disciple is such that the disciple absorbs everything the guru
says. Such is the love between them. But nowadays they both
quarrel instead.
Once a guru and his disciple were hitting each other and
they could be heard by those living downstairs. Someone with
me, said, ‘let us go up’ (to look). I told him that it was wrong
to watch. Things like this happen all the time. This is just the
way the world is. Do daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law not
fight? This is similar! The enmity that was bound in the past life
is now surfacing and dissipating. The vengeance was bound in
their past lives. If this world were full of love one would not to
leave the side of his guru. Even if he had a chance of earning
a million rupees, he would forgo it. But here, even when there
is nothing for him to earn outside, he still leaves! Why does he
go away? It is because he is basically unhappy at home, and he
has not found peace.